Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is an ongoing, collaborative process in which a person can explore their feelings or behaviors, work on overcoming challenges in their life, and ultimately work on improving their overall quality of life.

Individual TherapyAlso referred to as psychotherapy or counseling, individual therapy provides a person with a safe, comfortable and private space in which they can emotionally open up and work with a therapist on realizing some desired change.


Reasons to Pursue Individual Therapy

Pursing therapy can be beneficial for people who may be struggling with certain issues or who may simply be looking to work towards some goal, such as improving their family relationships or some other aspect of their lives. Some specific issues that can be the focus of therapy sessions may include overcoming or working on:

  • Mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, and/or thought disturbances
  • Relationship issues or challenges
  • Childhood traumas
  • Stress management
  • Enhanced self-awareness

As you work through therapy, our team of professional therapists can help you set goals for yourself and assist you in working through your concerns or issues so that you are able to achieve these goals.

See our Team